How Do You Know When You’re Ovulating?

How Do You Know When You’re Ovulating?

Do you know how to tell when you are ovulating?

One question I always get asked is, “Denise, how do I know when I’m ovulating?” 

When you are trying to get pregnant, learning to recognize the signs of ovulation will be a key factor in your success.

On this episode of The Fertility Godmother Show, I was talking about 3 ways of predicting ovulation: 

  • Fertile mucus
  • Libido changes
  • Using a BBT Chart (basal body temperature chart). 


Your body is amazing and has a mechanism in place to tell you things about itself. One of the things that your body can communicate to you is when it’s ovulating. 

Ovulation is that part of your menstrual cycle where your ovaries release an egg in preparation for possible fertilization. 

Why does it matter?

Being able to tell when you are ovulating will help you identify the days you are most fertile and likely to conceive. You have a very short period of time where you can get pregnant each month (only about 1 day).

The key is to have healthy sperm waiting on site because if you have a healthy environment, the sperm can live 2-5 days, but the egg only lives 12-24 hours.

 So, as you can see, the timing has to be just right.

How Can You Tell You’re Ovulating?

One of the signs you might get to say you’re ovulating is when you get fertile mucus. Fertile mucus is a type of vaginal mucus that’s stretchy and white, making your vagina a nutrient-rich area for possible fertilization. 

Predicting ovulation isn’t actually as difficult as you might think. 

I invite you to watch the whole video to learn all about the 3 signs to look out for to know when you’re ovulating.

If you want more help understanding how to know when you are ovulating, click here to download a free Guide to BBT Charting! It includes a complete guide to cervical mucus and tips to track your cycle.