What’s Preconception Care?

What's Preconception Care

Preconception care is an opportunity to improve overall health and fertility before you start trying to get pregnant.

I am a firm believer that taking the time before you start trying to conceive to get your body as healthy as possible has a HUGE impact on your chances of getting pregnant and having a healthy baby.

What does preconception care look like?

The ideal amount of time to spend on preconception care before you try to get pregnant is between 90 – 120 days. This is your window of opportunity to have an impact on the health of your eggs and ovaries (and his sperm too).

A lot of people don’t understand that if you are ovulating during this cycle, your body already started preparing that egg three months ago. What you do and what you eat during this time period has a direct influence on the health of that egg when it meets with the sperm.

On this episode of The Fertility Godmother Show, I was talking about getting the right care when you’re preparing for conception. 


For the best preconception care, make sure that you’re: 

  • Eating healthy. 
  • Taking the right preconception supplements.
  • Ensuring that your menstrual cycle is regulated. 

Watch the whole video to hear more about how to make sure that you receive adequate care when you’re preparing for conception.

If you are ready to get started in making changes to your diet and lifestyle so you can prepare your uterus to get pregnant and have a healthy baby, click here to download The Fertility Godmother’s free Guide to The Ultimate Fertility Diet—a complete breakdown of the Fertility Diet!

Are you ready to do whatever you can to get pregnant? 

Click here to schedule a FREE Clarity Session with The Fertility Godmother to see how she can help you achieve the ultimate goal… a healthy pregnancy and baby!