Alcohol and Your Fertility

Alcohol and fertility

Have you ever felt that your lifestyle might be getting in the way of a successful Fertility Journey? Or maybe you’ve wondered about alcohol’s effects on fertility.

Recently, someone asked me a question about alcohol and fertility…

She wanted to know if she needed to cut her alcohol consumption completely or whether drinking a few glasses a week would negatively affect her fertility.

So, does having a few drinks of alcohol a week affect your fertility?

On this episode of The Fertility Godmother’s Show on YouTube, I talked about drinking while trying to conceive, and the relationship between alcohol and fertility.

A little bit of alcohol is usually okay and won’t do much harm, but there’s a tipping point of toxicity if you’re drinking while trying to conceive.

Check out the replay now to learn more about the relationship between alcohol and your fertility!

If you’re ready to take it a step further to start balancing your body so you can get pregnant, stay pregnant, and have a healthy baby… Click here to set up a free clarity session with me to see how I can help!