Reducing Toxins for Fertility

reducing toxins for fertility

There are toxins all around us.

Our bodies hoard toxins from chemicals in the environment, the food we eat, and products in our homes. But what do you know about the effect of these environmental toxins on the ability to get pregnant?

Environmental toxins such as pesticides, heavy metals, and industrial chemicals have been linked to decreasing fertility in both men and women.  These toxins can damage the reproductive system and interfere with the hormones that regulate fertility.

Studies have shown that being exposed to certain environmental toxins can increase the risk of miscarriage and birth defects. And, environmental toxins can disrupt the endocrine system which plays a crucial role in your fertility.

On this YouTube episode of The Fertility Godmother’s Show, I shared 5 ways you can minimize your exposure to toxins and improve your fertility!

Your toxic load matters!

Your toxic load impacts your hormones, your egg quality, sperm quality, and ultimately your ability to get pregnant and have a healthy baby.  That is why it is important to prepare your body for pregnancy by minimizing your exposure to toxins as best you can.

Here’s how you can get started:

  1. Choose organic food as often as possible
  2. Avoid processed foods
  3. Avoid plastics as much as you can
  4. Get a filter for your water at home
  5. Open your windows at home to allow fresh air to circulate

Check out the video above to learn more about reducing your exposure to toxins for your fertility health!

Are you ready to do everything you can to optimize your whole fertility health?

The Get Pregnant Method Course will give you the scoop and help you learn exactly what to do (and what not to do) to support and prepare your body so you can get pregnant and have a healthy pregnancy and baby.

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From fertility testing to supplementation to nutrition AND environmental toxins… The Get Pregnant Method has you both covered!

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