Advanced Maternal Age: Getting Pregnant Over 35

If you’re over 35 and dreaming of starting a family, you may have encountered terms like “advanced maternal age” or even the unsettling label of a “geriatric pregnancy.” Let’s debunk the myths and misconceptions about trying to get pregnant later in life, together. 

Understanding Advanced Maternal Age

First and foremost, it’s important to recognize that being labeled as “advanced maternal age” simply means that you are older and embarking on the journey of motherhood with a few more years of life experience. It doesn’t define your ability to conceive or your potential to have a healthy baby. 

I know that doesn’t sound pretty, and it might even make you start to worry…  But the truth is… many women delay pregnancy well into their 30s and beyond — and deliver healthy babies!

Yes, our bodies undergo natural changes as we age, but as long as you have eggs, there’s still an opportunity to conceive and nurture a beautiful family.

On this episode of The Fertility Godmother Show, I bust some fertility myths and discuss the truth about reproductive age and getting pregnant after 35.


Focusing on Egg Quality

When you’re over 35 (“advanced maternal age”), the quality of your eggs becomes a crucial factor in achieving a successful pregnancy. While it might not happen as quickly or effortlessly as it would in your 20s, there are proactive steps you can take to optimize your fertility and improve your egg quality.

Strategies to Boost Fertility Over 35

  • Nutrition: A balanced, nutrient-rich diet is foundational. Fuel your fertility with whole foods that provide the vitamins and minerals your eggs need.
  • Supplements: Certain supplements, when taken correctly, can support egg health. Consider adding a high-quality prenatal vitamin, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin D to your routine.
  • Exercise: Stay active with moderate exercise. It’s about finding the sweet spot that benefits your body without overexertion.
  • Stress Management: Keep stress in check. Chronic stress can impact fertility, so adopting stress-reduction techniques is vital.
  • Avoiding Negatives: Minimize or eliminate tobacco, alcohol, and unnecessary medications that can affect egg health.

Navigating Fertility with Confidence

This journey might be different from what you anticipated, but that doesn’t diminish your chances or the joy that lies ahead. You are capable, resilient, and deserving of a healthy and happy pregnancy.  

By educating yourself, taking proactive steps, and seeking support, you can navigate the journey of preparing for pregnancy over 35 with confidence.

If you need help figuring out your next step to prepare your body and/or mind to get pregnant and grow a healthy baby, click here to set up a free 1:1 clarity call to see how I can support you as you prepare your body to grow and nourish your baby.

Remember, this call is completely free and confidential. It’s an opportunity for us to explore how I can support you in your unique situation.  You deserve to grow your family, and I’m here to help you make it happen.