Fertility Testing 101

fertility testing 411

What you need to know about fertility testing so you have a starting place for your fertility journey.

When you are trying to get pregnant and it is not working… it’s easy to become overwhelmed with both feelings and information, especially if you turn to Dr. Google for help. It’s my goal to make the entire process much easier for you.

There is some important fertility testing that can be done for your fertility journey so you are able to make the most of this time because your health and time are two of the most precious gifts you have.

Check out the video below where I talk in-depth about your fertility testing options:

Time and health are among your most valuable assets. Fertility testing allows you to make the most of both. It provides key insights into your fertility health and pregnancy potential, giving you the tools to plan accordingly and take necessary actions to improve your fertility.

At-Home Fertility Testing

The rise of modern technology has paved the way for at-home fertility tests that are both affordable and effective. Companies like Modern Fertility offer hormone testing kits for as little as $179 for seven tests. A simple finger prick can provide a wealth of information about your fertility potential!

Ovulation Predictor Kits (OPK)

Ovulation predictor kits are another at-home option to gauge your fertility. These kits test your levels of luteinizing hormone (LH), which helps in predicting ovulation. But remember, LH isn’t a morning person! It’s best to test for LH after 10 AM and avoid drinking too much water right before the test to prevent dilution.

Basal Body Temperature

Though not a test in the traditional sense, tracking your basal body temperature can provide significant data about your cycle. It helps you understand when you’re ovulating, whether you’re experiencing any symptoms, and so on. Think of it as a daily check-in with your body. Tracking these numbers over time can help you identify patterns or irregularities that are worth discussing with a healthcare provider. I love using a BBT chart with my patients because it really helps us paint a picture of where they are on their journey. 

Clinical Fertility Testing

While at-home tests offer valuable insights, nothing replaces comprehensive fertility testing from a healthcare provider. If you haven’t had a physical recently, now is the time. Make sure to ask your doctor about tests like:

  • Hormone panel, including Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH)
  • Thyroid Function Tests
  • Vitamin D Levels
  • Lipid Profile
  • Basic Blood Count

Additional Blood Tests

On day two or three of your menstrual cycle, you should have your follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and estrogen levels tested. These should always be done together and on the specified days for accurate results. Other hormones you may want to check include prolactin, LH, progesterone, and testosterone.

What If Your Doctor Isn’t Suggesting These Tests?
Sometimes healthcare providers, bogged down by their busy schedules, might not suggest all the tests you need. But remember, you’re the guardian of your health and fertility. If your doctor doesn’t mention them, take the initiative to ask.

If you need support and guidance to get pregnant whether you have been trying for years, or you are just starting and want to make sure you are on the right path so you don’t waste your time, let me help you!

Click here to set up a free 1:1 clarity call to see how I can support you as you prepare your body to grow and nourish your baby.