Preparing For Pregnancy with Preconception Care

Couple in love preparing for pregnancy

Preparing your body for a healthy pregnancy with preconception care.

Wondering if the whole “get healthy before pregnancy” thing is essential?

The short answer is 100% YES!

As you try to conceive, creating healthy habits with preconception care as soon as possible will not only benefit you but also optimize your chances of a healthy baby.

The 90-Day Secret to Preparing For Pregnancy

Here’s the scoop: Your body has a 90-day head start on your fertility journey. What you do today impacts your egg quality (and sperm quality) three months from now. Taking AT LEAST 90 days to get your body in top shape can actually speed up the time it takes to conceive.

Knowledge vs. Action 
Knowing what to do is one thing, but knowing how to do it is a game changer. It’s not just about information; it’s about implementation.

Preparing for pregnancy often means making changes in your lifestyle. 

Here are a few ways you can start preparing for pregnancy and take charge of your fertility:

Take fertility-boosting supplements:  Choosing the RIGHT supplements is a really important part of preparing for pregnancy. Getting on high-quality, absorbable supplements will really help you… but you need to know WHAT supplements you should take and HOW to tell if they are good quality supplements.

Change the way you eat. One of the main suggestions you may come across as you explore natural fertility methods is the importance of a healthy diet. Eating foods that are natural and supply the body with essential nutrients is not only good for our health in general, but also helps to improve fertility and make conception easier.

From a holistic point of view, there are specific foods that help nourish your body according to your system and individual needs. In general, eat clean, lean, and green!  Choose organic, hormone-free, non-processed foods.  Click here to download The Fertility Godmother’s Free Guide to The Ultimate Fertility Diet now »

Another way to increase circulation, oxygenation, and stress reduction is to get the right amount of exercise. Yoga is amazing because you get movement and meditation at the same time. It is rejuvenating and flexibility is an important key to staying vibrant! You should avoid rigorous exercise. Check out this episode of The Fertility Godmother Show on YouTube to learn more about exercising while you’re TTC!

Eliminate caffeine.  Many studies have shown that caffeine can affect your hormonal balance, increase your chances of a miscarriage, and prevent you from ovulating.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been used for thousands of years to assist women with all aspects of having a healthy baby naturally.  When making a plan to enhance your fertility, it is important to remember that individuals require treatments tailored to their specific needs.  TCM takes this personalized approach and views patterns of disharmony from a holistic stance.

I integrate the knowledge of Western medicine and the wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in my coaching programs to create a plan to increase your chances of conceiving.  I work closely with your Reproductive Endocrinologists, OB/Gynecologists, Urologists, and any other physicians and/or specialists to ensure that you get the exact care and personalized support you need.

Preconception care involves mental and emotional wellness, hormonal balance, stress management, and even the health of both partners.  It’s about creating an optimal environment in body, mind, and spirit for a new life to flourish.

This will increase your chances of conceiving and give your child and grandchild the best possible starting point by being healthy.  Strong, healthy eggs and sperm greatly improve your chances of conception.

Are you ready to do everything you can to start preparing for pregnancy and optimize your whole fertility health?

The Get Pregnant Method Course will give you the scoop and help you learn exactly what to do (and what not to do) to support and prepare your body so you can get pregnant and have a healthy pregnancy and baby.

Everything is all in one place, right at your fingertips.

Whether you’re trying to get pregnant naturally, or you’re using assisted reproductive techniques, this will help you make sure you’re going in the right direction and doing everything possible to increase your chances of getting pregnant.

Let’s set you up for baby success. Click here to learn more and sign up now »