What is the follicular phase? Understanding your cycle when you’re TTC

What is the follicular phase?

Your menstrual cycle holds valuable clues about your fertility health… And, your follicular phase is no excpetion! 

The follicular phase is the second stage of your cycle, right after your period, where your body prepares itself to get pregnant.

To understand your menstrual cycle better, let’s break it down into four phases: 

On this episode of The Fertility Godmother’s Show, I explore the significance of the follicular phase and what you need to know about it when you’re trying to conceive.


The follicular phase sets the stage for a successful pregnancy.

It all starts with the follicles in your ovaries. Each follicle contains an egg, and during this phase, these eggs begin to mature. The process is initiated by the release of a hormone called follicular stimulating hormone (FSH) from the pituitary gland in your brain. FSH signals the ovaries to stimulate the growth of multiple follicles.

Energizing Estrogen

As the follicles develop, they produce a superstar hormone called estrogen. Think of it as “energizing estrogen.” This hormone is a powerhouse with multiple roles in your body. One of its primary functions is to prepare your uterus for potential pregnancy. 

Energizing estrogen helps regenerate and enrich the uterine lining, creating a nurturing environment where an embryo can implant and thrive. It boosts blood flow and promotes the thickening of the uterine lining, optimizing conditions for successful implantation!

But the influence of energizing estrogen goes beyond the uterus. It also impacts your overall well-being during the follicular phase. When estrogen levels are high, you may experience increased energy, mental clarity, focus, creativity, and an enhanced sense of well-being. It’s a time of renewal when you feel empowered and ready to seize the possibilities that lie ahead.

Understanding the follicular phase empowers you to leverage its potential for fertility success. By paying attention to the signals your body provides during this phase, you can pinpoint your most fertile window and maximize your chances of conception! This will help you to work in harmony with your body’s natural rhythms, supporting your journey to becoming a parent.

If you need help figuring out your next step to prepare your body and/or mind to get pregnant and grow a healthy baby, click here to set up a free 1:1 clarity call to see how I can support you as you prepare your body to grow and nourish your baby.

Remember, this call is completely free and confidential. It’s an opportunity for us to explore how I can support you in your unique situation.  You deserve to grow your family, and I’m here to help you make it happen.