The Power of Your Period: Harnessing its Insights for Fertility

The Power of Your Period: Harnessing its Insights for Fertility

Did you know that your menstrual cycle and your period hold valuable clues about your reproductive health? It’s true! 

You probably already know that a *normal* menstrual cycle typically occurs every month, ideally lasting between 26 to 30 days. However, every woman’s cycle is unique. 

Some have shorter periods, while others experience longer ones. But for optimal fertility, we aim for a cycle where you start bleeding every 26 to 28 days. If it’s shorter than 26 days or longer than 30 days, it can present challenges when trying to conceive.

To understand your menstrual cycle better, let’s break it down into four phases: 

  1. the period phase
  2. the follicular phase
  3. the ovulation phase
  4. the luteal phase. 

On this YouTube episode of The Fertility Godmother’s Show, I talked about the four phases of the menstrual cycle and shared valuable knowledge about the first phase: your period.  

Your period conveys important messages about your body’s readiness for a healthy pregnancy!


During your period, your body prepares for a potential pregnancy. 

It’s essential to ensure that you have enough fresh, healthy blood, proper circulation, and sufficient duration of bleeding. For a healthy menstrual cycle, aim for around four days of bleeding. Some women may experience spotting a few days or even weeks before their period, but if it persists for an extended period, it’s a clue that something may be off.

Pay attention to the color of your menstrual blood. Ideally, it should be a vibrant red. If it appears pinkish, orange, purple, dark, or black, it indicates that your reproductive area may not be receiving adequate nutrition and circulation. Proper circulation is crucial for nourishing the uterine environment, optimizing the chances of implantation, and supporting the growth of a healthy embryo.

Spotting after your period is normal to some extent, but it should ideally stop, with the color transitioning to a light brown. However, if you experience spotting during or before your period, it’s crucial to explore further, as it may indicate cysts, polyps, fibroids, or other hormonal imbalances that require attention.

Another important aspect to consider is pain. 

While mild discomfort, pressure, or bloating may occur, excessive pain should not be the norm. If you find yourself relying on medication or hot packs to get through the day, or if your daily activities are significantly hindered, it’s a sign that something is off and hormonal balance may need to be restored.

Feeling slightly moody or emotional in the days leading up to your period is normal due to hormonal shifts. However, if these emotional changes last for weeks or if you experience severe mood swings and fatigue, you should address the underlying imbalances. Prolonged emotional imbalances and debilitating symptoms should not be accepted as the status quo.

If you need help figuring out your next step to prepare your body and/or mind to get pregnant and grow a healthy baby, click here to set up a free 1:1 clarity call to see how I can support you as you prepare your body to grow and nourish your baby.

Remember, this call is completely free and confidential. It’s an opportunity for us to explore how I can support you in your unique situation.  You deserve to grow your family, and I’m here to help you make it happen.