What a Long Cycle Says About Your Fertility Future

long cycle

Did you know that your monthly cycle is giving you clues about your pregnancy potential?

If you are struggling with your fertility or have been trying to get pregnant, a good place to start looking is your menstrual cycle. 

How long is too long?

A ‘normal cycle’ is ideally 28-30 days. We don’t like it shorter than 26 days or longer than 32 days.

On this YouTube episode of The Fertility Godmother’s Show, I shared what a long cycle says about your fertility future… And, what you can do about it!

If you have a long menstrual cycle (more than 30 days) and are trying to get pregnant… watch this video!



Many women don’t realize it but your period is actually a window into your fertility! 

One of the major questions you also should be asking yourself if you have a long cycle is if it’s regularly this way. 

Have you always had a longer-than-normal cycle? If yes, then it may not be an issue for you.

If you have a long cycle and are struggling to conceive, or have experienced miscarriages, you might need to regulate and shorten your cycle!

Check out the reply to see what I recommend to women I work with to balance their bodies and regulate their cycles!

Do you want to download The Fertility Godmother’s free Guide to BBT Charting?

Click here to download your copy now ▷

Are you ready to learn more about what your monthly cycle is telling you about your fertility, and to take action to get your body ready for a baby?

Click here to schedule a free clarity session and let’s talk to find out how I can help you.