How Stress Affects Fertility

As a woman trying to have a baby, you’re probably asking yourself this question: Does stress affect my fertility? 

There are many reasons we experience stress. And, it can be very disruptive and harmful to your body no matter how you look at it.

This isn’t any different when it comes to your fertility health. If somehow, you’ve been told that stress doesn’t affect fertility… I’ve got news for you! 

On this episode of The Fertility Godmother’s Show on YouTube, I talked about how stress can affect your fertility potential!


Many women have told me that stress has nothing to do with their fertility issues. But it’s important to trust your instinct when it comes to stress and fertility. That feeling you have that something is wrong might just save you as you go through Your Fertility Journey.

Here’s how stress affects your fertility health:

  1. The Basics: How Stress Affects Fertility Mechanisms
    Stress is our body’s natural reaction to external pressures or threats, triggering the ‘fight or flight’ response. While short-term stress reactions can be beneficial, chronic stress begins to disrupt various body systems, including the hormones vital to reproduction.
  2. The Biochemical Response to Stress and its Impact on Fertility:
    Under stress, the body produces higher levels of cortisol and adrenaline. While these hormones are essential for immediate stress responses, prolonged exposure can disturb hormones responsible for regulating the menstrual cycle, ovulation, and sperm production. Thus, stress affects fertility by meddling with these crucial processes.
  3. Stress Affects Fertility Through Ovulation:
    For women, a significant way stress affects fertility is by causing irregular ovulation or even anovulation (a cycle without ovulation). Since ovulation is the cornerstone of conception, disruptions in this area can hinder a woman’s chances of getting pregnant.
  4. Stress’s Role in Sperm Quality:
    The effects of stress on fertility aren’t limited to women. In men, elevated stress levels can reduce testosterone and sperm production. Over time, this decline can impact sperm count, motility, and morphology—key factors for successful conception.
  5. The Emotional Cycle: How Stress Affects Fertility and Vice Versa:
    The journey of dealing with fertility issues can, in itself, become a source of stress. This creates a challenging cycle—stress affects fertility, leading to increased anxiety, which then further impacts fertility. It’s crucial to address both the emotional and physical aspects to break this cycle.
  6. Lifestyle Choices: When Stress Affects Fertility Indirectly:
    Often, our reactions to stress, like consuming alcohol, excessive caffeine, or unhealthy foods, can negatively influence fertility. Recognizing and altering these habits can make a significant difference.

We have the amazing ability to handle and manage stress, but the problem comes when you can no longer handle it health-wise. When you’re constantly feeling stressed, you lose your balance because your body feels under pressure. It goes into survival mode. Learning how to manage stress in a healthy way is vital to your fertility game plan. Here are some ways you can get started right away.

Manage Stress and Improve Fertility:

  • Mindfulness and Meditation: Engaging in meditation, deep breathing, or yoga can be beneficial in mitigating the ways stress affects fertility.
  • Incorporate Regular Exercise: Physical activities can be therapeutic stress relievers. Find an activity that you love and make it a routine.
  • Prioritize Sleep: Sufficient sleep plays a pivotal role in hormone balance and overall well-being.
  • Get the Support You Need: Don’t be afraid to ask for help. When you’re trying to get pregnant (and always) your mental well-being ins just as important as your physical health.

Are you ready to explore natural ways to prepare your body and mind for pregnancy?

Sign up for a free clarity session with me to see how I can support you!