How Male Factor Fertility Affects Your Road To Pregnancy

pregnancy couple, how male factor fertility affects pregnancy

Many couples face challenges when trying to have a baby.  And, there’s often a lot of emphasis put on the woman getting checked out, but it takes two of you to make a baby.

I’ve seen couples struggle for years and the man had never even been checked… What’s up with that?

The paternal partner gives 50% of his DNA to make a baby, and his health will transfer to the health of your pregnancy and your baby, short term and long term. Your partner’s overall and fertility health counts too!

On this YouTube episode of The Fertility Godmother’s Show, I talked about how male factor fertility affects Your Fertility Journey and what you can do to improve his fertility!

Did you know that approximately 40% of fertility issues can be attributed to male factor fertility? It’s time to recognize that your partner’s fertility health counts too, and addressing male factor fertility is crucial for a successful pregnancy.

Your guy matters, too! Assessing Male Factor Fertility:

When evaluating male factor fertility, two primary aspects should be considered: your partner’s overall health and a semen analysis. The overall health of your partner plays a vital role in his fertility potential. A healthy lifestyle, stress management, and positive habits contribute to optimal fertility.

A semen analysis provides valuable insights into male fertility, assessing important factors such as sperm quantity (the amount of sperm), movement (is it progressively moving forward?), and morphology (the shape of the sperm). However, it’s important to note that a semen analysis only offers a partial view of male fertility. While it provides information about sperm health, it doesn’t evaluate the integrity of DNA, a critical factor for successful fertilization. For a more comprehensive evaluation, advanced semen analysis may be necessary to assess DNA quality.

When looking at semen analysis, make sure to look at: 

  • Quantity: The amount of sperm.
  • Movement: Is it progressively moving forward?
  • Morphology: The shape of the sperm.

Supporting Male Factor Fertility:

The good news is, there are lots of ways to support male factor fertility!

What he eats, the supplements that he takes, and the toxins he should avoid… All of these things (and many more) make a real difference to male factor fertility. Remember, it’s a joint effort, and supporting each other’s fertility will lead to a healthier, happier pregnancy.

Check out the replay above to see what I recommend to couples I work with to support his fertility!

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