
The Fertility Godmother’s

Are you ready to start enhancing fertility naturally?  Decoding Your Body’s Messages on the Path to Parenthood Ever wondered what your body is trying to tell you on your path to parenthood? The subtle cues that your body is sending you can hold the key to a more successful fertility journey. Three key factors you

Have you been told your AMH levels are low? Are you searching for clarity on what this means for your fertility journey and what actionable steps you can take? You’re not alone. Many women come to me with concerns about their low Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH) levels, often feeling disheartened about their chances of conception. Demystifying

Taking Charge of Your Fertility With a Holistic Strategy Taking charge of your fertility means stepping beyond generic advice and embracing a path uniquely suited to your body’s needs. Many of my clients have come to me after trying all the standard advice without success, feeling stuck and unsure of their next steps. It’s a

Preparing for Implantation: Essential Tips to Enhance Your Pregnancy Journey Are you on your journey to parenthood and looking for ways to boost your chances of a successful implantation? You’re not alone. Many hopeful parents are eager to understand how they can create the best conditions for pregnancy. Did you know there are things that

Improving Egg Quality Naturally: Your Guide to Boosting Fertility Are you ready to do everything possible to optimize your fertility so you can get pregnant? Understanding how to improve egg quality naturally is a critical aspect of this journey. With the increasing number of couples facing fertility challenges, it’s essential to look at holistic methods

Cycle Tracking for Getting Pregnant: Knowing Your Fertility Window Navigating the path to parenthood can sometimes feel like a journey filled with uncertainty. Many couples dream of adding to their family but find themselves navigating the confusing world of trying to conceive without much guidance.  One of the most effective strategies at your disposal is

How Stress Impacts Fertility: Unraveling the Connection for a Healthier Pregnancy Path Stress is an inevitable part of life, but when it comes to fertility, its impact can be huge and often misunderstood.  Many of my clients come feeling frustrated and confused, having been told that stress doesn’t significantly affect their chances of getting pregnant.

Miscarriage, a term that carries the weight of immense emotional and physical turmoil, is an experience many women, like Chloe from New Jersey, endure.  Despite having a 3-year-old son, Chloe has faced three miscarriages in the last three years. Despite her efforts to maintain a healthy lifestyle, the challenge persists, leaving her with questions and

Endometriosis is a prevalent yet often misunderstood medical condition, affecting 1 in 10 women worldwide. It plays a significant role in fertility challenges and is frequently misdiagnosed, leaving many women navigating their reproductive journeys with unanswered questions and unresolved pain. Understanding Endo and Its Impact on Fertility Endometriosis occurs when tissues resembling the endometrium, the lining

Key Strategies to Optimize Your Fertility Do you want to do everything you can to optimize your fertility and increase your chances of getting pregnant, staying pregnant, and having a healthy baby? Understanding what your body is telling you is an essential part of your fertility journey and one of the best places to start.

Is IVF the best option for you? Navigating the complex world of fertility can be a daunting journey, filled with questions and uncertainties. One of the most pressing questions I often encounter is: Is this the right path for me? In a recent episode of The Fertility Godmother’s Show, I talked about who should go

Are you on a journey to parenthood and looking for fertility solutions?  Whether you’re starting your fertility journey or have been trying for some time, this blog will help you understand your options and help you plan your best next step!  On this episode of The Fertility Godmother’s Show, I explained 5 fertility solutions from

The Reality of Secondary Infertility Are you ready for another baby? If you didn’t have any trouble getting pregnant the first time, you might assume that the second time around will be just as easy. However, the reality is that many things can change in your body, leading to what is known as secondary infertility.

Navigating the Journey Through Unexplained Infertility According to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), as many as 20 percent of couples struggling with fertility challenges will receive the frustrating diagnosis of, ‘Unexplained Infertility.’ An ‘Unexplained Infertility’ diagnosis means that the cause of your fertility issues has not yet been identified. This diagnosis can feel

Navigating the fertility journey is complex and deeply personal. It’s not just about medical treatments; it’s about a comprehensive approach that encompasses your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Personalized holistic fertility support is key to addressing the unique challenges and needs you may face on your path to pregnancy. On a recent episode of The

It’s important to prepare your body by getting as healthy as possible before pregnancy. If you’re in the process of trying to prepare your body for pregnancy but are not sure what to do for a positive pregnancy outcome, this is for you. On this episode of The Fertility Godmother Show, I shared just how

Trying to conceive can be both exciting and challenging. Understanding and implementing healthy habits to improve your fertility is a crucial step in this journey. Not only do these habits enhance your fertility, but they also pave the way for a healthy pregnancy and baby. The Power of Preconception Care I’m a firm believer that

If you’re on a journey to conceive, you’re about to discover one of the most impactful ways to improve male fertility and support the production of happy, healthy, and eager sperm.  While exploring natural fertility methods, you’ll often come across the importance of a healthy diet. Not only does it promote overall well-being, but it

Are you looking to give your fertility a natural boost? Understanding the role of supplements in improving egg quality can be a significant step in your journey toward conception. Whether you’re trying to conceive naturally or considering IVF, the importance of good egg quality can’t be overstated. The journey to optimal egg health isn’t solely

Have you ever considered the role of inflammation in your fertility journey? It’s a topic I frequently encounter with my clients and one that can have a significant impact on your path to parenthood. While part of your body’s natural defense mechanism, can quietly undermine reproductive health for both men and women.  The connection between

CoQ10 for Fertility: Your Natural Ally in Conception Do you want to optimize your fertility and enhance your chances of getting pregnant? A great area to focus on is fertility-boosting supplements. Among my top recommendations for supporting fertility is the hidden gem, CoQ10. This supplement isn’t just any addition to your regimen; it’s a game-changer

The journey to conceive after experiencing a miscarriage (or even multiple) can be a path filled with mixed emotions – hope mingled with apprehension, and strength paired with vulnerability. As an expert in fertility health, a life coach, a Chinese Medical Practitioner, and a Nutritionist, I’ve supported many women through this delicate and profound journey.

Unlocking the Secrets of Zinc for Enhanced Fertility Zinc may not always be in the fertility spotlight, but its influence on your fertility health is undeniable. Grasping the connection between zinc and fertility can truly transform your journey to getting pregnant, staying pregnant, and having a healthy baby. Zinc: A Key Player in Hormonal Harmony

Essential Tips for Boosting Sperm Quality and Fertility Let’s talk about something crucial yet often sidelined in fertility discussions – male fertility health. In honor of Men’s Health Month and to embrace the spirit of No-Shave November, it’s time to shine a light on this essential piece of the conception puzzle: improving sperm quality. Shifting

When it comes to fertility, egg quality is a key player in the journey towards conception and a successful pregnancy. Understanding how to improve egg quality can empower you to take control of your reproductive health and increase your chances of getting pregnant, staying pregnant, and having a healthy baby. You Can Improve Egg Quality

If you’re over 35 and dreaming of starting a family, you may have encountered terms like “advanced maternal age” or even the unsettling label of a “geriatric pregnancy.” Let’s debunk the myths and misconceptions about trying to get pregnant later in life, together.  Understanding Advanced Maternal Age First and foremost, it’s important to recognize that

As a woman trying to have a baby, you’re probably asking yourself this question: Does stress affect my fertility?  There are many reasons we experience stress. And, it can be very disruptive and harmful to your body no matter how you look at it. This isn’t any different when it comes to your fertility health.

Your fertility journey starts with what’s on your plate! 🍽️  Did you know that your diet plays a crucial role in your chances of conceiving? Whether you’re trying to conceive naturally or with assisted reproductive technologies, the food you eat can either enhance or diminish your fertility. Your fertility food choices can have a positive OR

Many couples face challenges when trying to have a baby.  And, there’s often a lot of emphasis put on the woman getting checked out, but it takes two of you to make a baby. I’ve seen couples struggle for years and the man had never even been checked… What’s up with that? The paternal partner

Preparing your body for a healthy pregnancy with preconception care. Wondering if the whole “get healthy before pregnancy” thing is essential? The short answer is 100% YES! As you try to conceive, creating healthy habits with preconception care as soon as possible will not only benefit you but also optimize your chances of a healthy

What you need to know about fertility testing so you have a starting place for your fertility journey. When you are trying to get pregnant and it is not working… it’s easy to become overwhelmed with both feelings and information, especially if you turn to Dr. Google for help. It’s my goal to make the

The fertility journey can be a daunting experience, especially when dealing with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). The good news is, getting pregnant naturally with PCOS is absolutely possible. Yes, you heard it right—it’s possible, and I’m here to help you navigate this journey. Having PCOS doesn’t mean you’re automatically bound for IVF. In fact, there

Fertility isn’t just about women, it’s a two-way street. Let’s talk about how to boost fertility for men! Preconception care is just as crucial for the male partner. It’s his opportunity to take proactive steps to boost his fertility potential and improve your chances of getting pregnant, staying pregnant, and having a healthy baby! On

Eating fertility-boosting foods can significantly impact your chances of getting pregnant! When you’re trying to get pregnant, it’s important to eat rich, nutrient-dense food that will nourish your body so it’s functioning at its best. On this episode of The Fertility Godmother’s Show, I talked about how the food you choose impacts your fertility and

Beyond Ovulation: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Luteal Phase Unlocking the secrets of your menstrual cycle leads to a deeper understanding of your fertility health, and one crucial phase that holds immense importance is the luteal phase. the period phase the follicular phase ovulation the luteal phase The luteal phase begins around day 15 of

Understanding ovulation is an important part of your fertility journey! Your menstrual cycle holds valuable clues about your fertility health, and one of its most significant chapters is the elusive ovulation phase.  the period phase the follicular phase ovulation the luteal phase Following right after the follicular phase, the ovulation phase marks a pivotal moment

Your menstrual cycle holds valuable clues about your fertility health… And, your follicular phase is no excpetion!  The follicular phase is the second stage of your cycle, right after your period, where your body prepares itself to get pregnant. To understand your menstrual cycle better, let’s break it down into four phases:  the period phase

Did you know that your menstrual cycle and your period hold valuable clues about your reproductive health? It’s true!  You probably already know that a *normal* menstrual cycle typically occurs every month, ideally lasting between 26 to 30 days. However, every woman’s cycle is unique.  Some have shorter periods, while others experience longer ones. But

Do you know what fertility supplements you should be on while you are trying to conceive? Trying to get pregnant is not the same for every woman. It’s much easier for some than others.  If you and your partner are having trouble conceiving, then it’s better that you both take extra steps to improve your

If you got a fertility diagnosis that says you have a low AMH level, you might be worried about how difficult it might be for you to conceive. Is IVF for low AMH really necessary? What should we consider as low AMH? And how does it affect fertility? On this episode of The Fertility Godmother’s

There are a lot of misconceptions about exercise for fertility. If you’re wondering when you should work out while you’re trying to conceive,  you’re in the right place!  On this YouTube episode of The Fertility Godmother’s Show, I talked about the best time to exercise when you’re trying to get pregnant! Personally, I love exercising

One thing I hear over and over from women and couples I work with is that there is no shortage of stress on Your Fertility Journey! The consensus is… it’s stressful! As we all know, stress can be a real monster, affecting not just our overall health but also our fertility health, too! When you’re

Are you trying to conceive and wondering if your sleeping habits affect your fertility potential? If you said yes, then you’re in the right place.  Sleep, Overall Health… and Fertility Getting enough quality sleep is important for overall health and well-being. You’ve probably heard that getting a good night’s rest will help with brain function

Infertility is a lot more common than most people think.  It affects around 1 in 6 couples.  Around 5% of infertile couples turn to IVF (in vitro fertilization) to help them conceive. There are fertile people who pursue IVF for other reasons too.  Currently, approximately 1 in 50 babies are now born using IVF. The

Are you frustrated that you are not getting pregnant as quickly as you hoped?  Do you find yourself wondering “Will it ever happen?” Egg quality can affect whether fertilization and implantation will occur. But it also affects the viability of a pregnancy.  And, the options usually given to women include:  using an egg donor IVF

There are toxins all around us. Our bodies hoard toxins from chemicals in the environment, the food we eat, and products in our homes. But what do you know about the effect of these environmental toxins on the ability to get pregnant? Environmental toxins such as pesticides, heavy metals, and industrial chemicals have been linked

Many women do not realize it, but your period is a window into your fertility. Your monthly cycle is giving you clues about your pregnancy potential. If you are struggling with your fertility or have been trying to get pregnant, start by looking at your menstrual cycle. How long is your cycle? Do you have a

When it comes to conceiving, your gut health plays a huge role. Digestion plays a crucial role in overall health, including fertility. Poor digestion can lead to a variety of issues, such as nutrient deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, and inflammation, all of which can negatively impact fertility. One of the most important things you can do

Low testosterone levels can have a significant impact on a man’s ability to have a baby. Testosterone is a key hormone that plays a crucial role in sperm production, as well as other aspects of male reproductive health.  If you’re trying to have a baby and are struggling with low testosterone, this is for you,

Do you know what you should be eating (and what you should avoid) while TTC? There is a lot of conflicting information about eating fish while you’re on Your Fertility Journey, trying to get pregnant. On this YouTube episode of The Fertility Godmother’s Show, I talked about the benefits of eating fish when you’re trying

When you’re struggling to get pregnant, or having fertility challenges, the Holidays can be a trying time. Are you feeling down about where you are at in your life right now? The holiday season is here and you’re still not pregnant.  I get it. Usually, this time of year is harder than most because of

Have you ever felt that your lifestyle might be getting in the way of a successful Fertility Journey? Or maybe you’ve wondered about alcohol’s effects on fertility. Recently, someone asked me a question about alcohol and fertility… She wanted to know if she needed to cut her alcohol consumption completely or whether drinking a few

Did you know that your monthly cycle is giving you clues about your pregnancy potential? If you are struggling with your fertility or have been trying to get pregnant, a good place to start looking is your menstrual cycle.  How long is too long? A ‘normal cycle’ is ideally 28-30 days. We don’t like it

There are a lot of misconceptions about exercising for fertility. If you’re wondering if you can work out while you’re trying to conceive,  you’re in the right place! Personally, I love exercising because it keeps my mind and body vitalized. However, I’ve heard many stories from people advising against exercise for women who are preparing

Attention: This is NOT a trend, this is crucial for your health & your fertility. A lot of people view eating organic foods as just another expensive health trend, but I have news for you: it’s vital to your optimal health and your fertility!  Eating organic was the only way of life for your grandparents

September is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Awareness Month! In honor of that, I wanted to talk about getting pregnant with a PCOS diagnosis. There is a lot of misinformation out there that says the only way to get pregnant with Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is to do IVF. While that might be true for some

If you’re trying to conceive, don’t count the Dad out! Men’s fertility and overall health matter, too! Almost 1 in 6 couples in the United States struggles with infertility.  For a couple wanting to have a baby, this can be a source of frustration and sadness.  Believe it or not, in about half of the

The decision to start your family is a life-changing moment. From the moment you decide, you need to begin preparing your body to grow and nourish a baby.  It is important to start thinking about how to create a healthy environment for your baby. You should begin this preparation at least 3 months before you

Preconception care is an opportunity to improve overall health and fertility before you start trying to get pregnant. I am a firm believer that taking the time before you start trying to conceive to get your body as healthy as possible has a HUGE impact on your chances of getting pregnant and having a healthy

Got any favorite fertility foods? Or are you wondering what they even are? When it comes to fertility nutrition, healthy eating habits, and diet, there’s a lot to discuss. One of the main suggestions you may come across as you explore natural fertility methods is the importance of a healthy diet.  Your diet is one

Do you know how to tell when you are ovulating? One question I always get asked is, “Denise, how do I know when I’m ovulating?”  When you are trying to get pregnant, learning to recognize the signs of ovulation will be a key factor in your success. On this episode of The Fertility Godmother Show,